"Extraordinary Ministers of Communion" is the formal title of laypeople (fully initiated Catholics; those that have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) who distribute the Eucharist during Mass. As the title implies, there are also "ordinary ministers" - those who are literally "ordained" to the ministry - namely bishops, priests, and deacons. These ministers are usually the first in order to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ, with the deacon the customary distributor of the cup. In most places, especially when Communion is offered under the forms of both bread and wine, there are rarely enough "ordinary" ministers for the timely distribution of Communion.  


EMs primarily assist at Mass.  Some EMs also volunteer to take the Eucharist to members of the parish who are homebound and unable to attend Mass.


Diocesan training and certification is required.  Contact the parish office for further information. .

Contact: Kathleen Devlin   609- 390-1373

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Created by St. Joseph Parish Council