The Children’s Liturgy of the Word program is an informative, popular, and enjoyable program open to all children ages four through ten. The atmosphere is geared to children and is warm and welcoming. 


Participating children leave the congregation after the opening prayers and go to a separate room to hear the readings of the day. The gospel is taught at a child’s level and is followed by an interactive homily, game or activity and a correlating craft to bring the gospel to life. Children return to the general assembly before communion.

The Children’s Liturgy is offered at the 10:30AM Mass fall through spring.

Contact person: Betsy Robinson 609-861-4448





The Liturgy of the Word program is intended to form children in the liturgical language of the Church, nourish and guide their spiritual growth, and immerse them in the Word in ways that they understand. 


The structure of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word is the same as the Liturgy of the Word with the general assembly except one of the first two readings is omitted.  The Children’s Liturgy area always reflects the current liturgical season.  


The bullet points below reflect how this program works and what the children will experience.

  1. Gather with the assembly
  2. Invitation and sending the children forth
  3. Gather the children
  4. First Reading
  5. Psalm and/ or Psalm Response
  6. Gospel Acclamation
  7. Gospel – the highlight of the celebration
  8. Interactive Homily – e.g. question and answers, games and correlating crafts
  9. Profession of Faith
  10. General Intercessions- children are given the opportunity to add their own intentions
  11. Procession back to the assembly for Liturgy of the Eucharist and Concluding Rite

Parents are always welcome to sit in too!




Children's Liturgy of the Word Calendar 2024-25
Children's Liturgy 2024-2025 Calendar.pd[...]
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Contact Us 

St Joseph Business Center

126 44th St

Sea Isle City, 08243

Phone:   609.263.8696

Fax:       609.263.7884




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Created by St. Joseph Parish Council