Parish Mission Statement 

We the people of St Joseph Parish, Sea Isle City, NJ, connected in faith as brothers and sisters in Christ, pledge to use our gifts and resources to live our faith by truth and love, to preach the Word, and to serve the needs of others, as we instill a spirit of hospitality throughout our faith community. We will create welcoming opportunities to bring parishioners and friends of St Joseph together in worship, religious formation, spiritual growth, mutual support, and parish social activities.




   Pastor:    Reverend Perry Cherubini

   Deacon:  Deacon Joseph Murphy


MASS TIMES - Fall, Winter, Spring

   Mon-Fri:     8:00am

   Saturday:   4:00pm

   Sunday:     8:00am and 10:30am



Mon: Noon-3pm, Tues & Wed: 9am-3pm, Thurs: 9am-Noon



(T) 609-263-8696   (E) INFO@STJOSEPHSIC.ORG 


Quick Links


The church is located at 4308 Landis Avenue.  Parking lots are located behind the church and at the auditorium that is located on the corner of 44th and Central Ave.


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Created by St. Joseph Parish Council